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Subscriber Acquisition Process

The Revenue Generation Platform

Effective lead generation requires a mix of expert copywriting, technology, split-testing, tracking, monetization and media buying expertise to succeed.

Publishers can now do what they do best and leave the lead generation to us.

Whether you do it yourself or we do it on your behalf the process is the same to reach an efficient scale.

By leveraging our comprehensive approach, we ensure optimal results while allowing publishers to focus on their core strengths and content creation.

Subscriber Acquisition Menu
Ad Campaign Offer
  • Opt-in Form
Landing Page
  • Traffic Creation
Subscriber Survey
  • Multi-Page Forms
Post/Transfer Data
  • To Client Publisher
Trigger / Send
  • Verification Email
DOI Verification
  • Instructions
Welcome Click
  • Landing Page
Registration Event
  • Fire DOI Pixel
  • Send Offers

What a lead is worth to you?

The fundamentals are to start by determining what a lead is worth to you and come up with a budget. If you don’t know what lead is worth to you yet, use this guide as a baseline.

Every campaign needs a catchy enough hook and sufficient value-exchange to compel subscribers to opt-in. Popular campaigns are often built around topics that people are very passionate about—topics people would be willing to argue about at a party.

Once they opt-in, subscribers enter a customized multi-page registration path designed to get several micro-commitments resulting in additional valuable data fields collected and a higher likelihood the subscriber will verify their opt-in.

Once the user checks their email and effectively double-opts-in, you’ll have a new engaged subscriber officially registered on your list, not just a junk lead.
See more about Subscriber Acquisition Methods here:

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